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Animal Hoarding Clean Up

What is animal hoarding?

According to the Hoarding of Animals Research Consortium (HARC), animal hoarding has four main signs:

  1. Inability to provide basic standards of sanitation, food, water, and medical care and space for animals
  2. Lack of understanding of how the situation will affect the animals and humans residing in the home
  3. Continuing to collect animals despite structural or health concerns in the home
  4. Refusing to admit that there is a serious issue; ignoring the concerns of friends and family members

Why is animal hoarding a serious concern?

Animal hoarding is a concern for both the animals and the humans in the home. For animals, feces can harbor disease that can spread from animal to animal. Depending how many are in the home, some animals may not get enough food or water. If there is also clutter in the home, animals can get stuck or trapped in places that are inaccessible to humans.

For humans, both the feces and urine can cause health problems. The ammonia in urine can be especially problematic for individuals who have other respiratory problems. Bacteria and other pathogens in animal feces can be passed to humans, especially if they have weakened immune systems.

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What can New York Hoarding do?

New York Hoarding can address serious animal hoarding as well as smaller issues from Fido’s potty training accidents or waste from bats, birds, or wild animals in the attic. Depending on your situation, our treatment plan may include:

  • Removal of feces, animal nesting materials, and any items contaminated by feces or urine
  • Proper disposal of contaminated waste
  • Treatment of surfaces in contact with feces and/or urine as well as the air to eliminate/reduce odor

New York Hoarding Cleanup, your #1 Choice for Hoarding Clean-Up in New York

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